啊,绩效评估. While they’re not always a favorite activity of employee nor employer, they are important. Performance reviews not only help employers assess the quality of work performance of their employees, they’re also beneficial in helping employees gauge their own progress with job goals and benchmarks. Furthermore, performance reviews can serve as a valuable tool for developing and refining a 绩效成就计划, enabling both the employer and employee to determine the effectiveness of a position and whether it might need adjusting in various ways.

除了有益之外, it’s imperative that performance reviews be completed efficiently and professionally. So, for employers who want to avoid leaving an employee with mixed messages and instead offer a constructive and productive plan for growth, here are five ways to execute an effective performance review for all parties involved.

  1. 设置场景. Not only should employees be given the appropriate notice and adequate time to prepare for a performance review, it’s also essential to set the proper expectations for what will be discussed and how the review will flow. This can help employees to come prepared with any new goals, 问题, or concerns they might have related to their current role. It can also help calm any nerves an employee might have about the potential topics of discussion.
  2. 进行预评估. One simple and efficient way to lay the groundwork for a performance review is to ask employees to complete a pre-appraisal document that allows them to evaluate themselves. This can be a helpful guide for employers to use in the performance review to stay on track while also steering the tone and direction of the in-person review.
  3. 保持正式的场合. During the performance review, strive to maintain a formal setting. While the goal should be for the review to be comfortable and non-threatening to the employee, it’s also important to facilitate a professional setting that prevents the possibility of venturing off topic or going over the allotted meeting time.
  4. 阐述职位描述. 通常, job descriptions can go years without being properly adjusted or modified to fit the sometimes-changing demands of a position. Consider walking through the employee’s job description during the performance review to determine if it needs to be updated or tweaked. Using the job description as a guide can also help both employer and employee evaluate and measure performance progress.
  5. 确定下一步并跟进. Perhaps the most valuable part of the performance review is in establishing next steps for an employee and following up throughout the next year. Take the opportunity to offer any necessary honest and constructive feedback to the employee, 并要求得到建设性的反馈作为回报. A helpful way to create next steps for an employee is to work together to create a list of goals that promote continued success and potential improvements for the employee to work toward during the next year ahead. 更进一步说, schedule a follow up with the employee once or twice throughout the year to maintain accountability and offer some motivation.

Are you in need of assistance in executing effective performance reviews or looking for tips to move your performance reviews beyond the average, 平凡的经历? 明升体育app下载人力资源经理和专家随时准备为您提供帮助. 今天明升体育app下载了解更多!

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